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  • Writer's pictureKithos

Code of Races

Updated: Mar 16, 2018

The Code of Races outlines the differences between the races of Illyriad. This can be from the beginning difference or general playstyle.

Chapter 1) Introduction

With in Code of Races all four factions of Illyriad will be covered and have both a quick and in depth look. Some people within these factions do share a common resemblance, yet they are NOT all the same and doesn’t fall perfectly in line with what I say. To say the least these people are unique and are not bound in their actions by their faction. I have just found that some have similarities and that there IS differences between the factions. With that out of the way let's introduce the four factions. Humans, they are the all rounded faction. Can be decent at anything but does excel at calvary. A human town begins with an even resource income. With a one of the better starts in the early game and the general well roundedness humans are one of the better factions in Illyriad. There are also the dwarves, they specialize in infantry. They began with a stone based resource income. Dwarfs have a short start but began to gain power later in the game. Next we have the elves. Simply elves are about trees and bows. They began with a nice wood income. They do have an excellent start with the early game and able to defend themselves quite easily with their superior ranged units. Finally the orcs, more brawn than brains. With superior spear units hordes of orcs can easily converge and overwhelm an enemy. With the basics covered it is time to move onto the more advanced classification.

Chapter 2) Human

Humans are a well rounded faction thus some can say it is the better of the factions. Humans starts with five resource plots for each basic resource. This mean five lumberjacks, five farms, five quarries, five iron mines, and five clay pits. This gives humans a fairly easy start and able to span quite far relatively fast. Humans can dominate the plains with suppoir calvary. Humans are able to devastate enemies as long as they fight on their home turf. Though humans are adapt to fight in most environments they do have advantage on open grounds. So always expect an elite division of calvary or two. The more cover and rugged terrain means less of an advantage. Humans are a pick for both beginners and experienced players alike. The human faction offers many positive traits without many downsides and it certainly reflects that much.

Chapter 3) Dwarf

The dwarfs, or dwarves, are a faction that begins with stone based resource distribution plots. This helps build within the game. Some trouble can arise when iron is needed for swords, chainmail, and plate armour. Dwarfs are best with their infantry. Dwarfs are an excellent ally to have during war, as long as the war is close. Dwarfs excel on mountain tops or hill, they are as tough as the metal they mine but with the speed to match. I personally haven’t seen a iron bar move fast or at all. So dwarfs are like humans were they excell best in their home turf and doesn’t want fight far from home. In addition dwarf players tend to accept and help other dwarf players. The dwar faction is just subpar of humans.

Chapter 4) Elf

The expression, tree hugger, can be used to describe the elves. They begin in a bonus of timber and excell at bows. This can mean a good faction for an early start, able to easily produce spears, leather armour, and bows. Elves can latter encounter difficulty when trying to advance, so like a tree it sprout and grows fast but begins to grow more slowly with age. Do not think that a slower development means a faction that is weaker. Due to them being good with bows and being adapt to life in the trees makes elves tricky to fight against.

Chapter 5) Orc

Orcs are simple, muscles on muscles. They have a bonus in clay production but lacks in lumber. They specialize in spear units, which have the highest number of troops allowed for an elite division. So two hundred muscled bound brutes with a bonus in attacking can spell bad news for anyone on the receiving end. Some orc players have a strategy of using massive armies. How I think an orc leader commands, “Do we have a large army, then attack. If not make one then attack.” Most don’t see a serious orc army that doesn’t consist of a massive horde. Though this seems basic it turns out to be rather effective. Simply put, if you fight against an orc prepare to eradicate or be eradicated.

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