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  • Writer's pictureKithos

The Second Step Forward

Night is always a gamble of survival. Set up camp and fend of the night is your bet bet, yet it took me time to learn that. I left the small town on the verge of dusk. I was too eager to move on. That night was terrifying, every sound made my hair would stand on end. Against my better judgment I pressed on. I gripped onto my axe as it were the key to life an' death. I faced death many a time and I can say that be the most terrifying night I faced. Not'in bad happened either but it was still a long night. No lantern, no torch, jus' a path in a dark forest. Every howl of a wolf, every crack of a twig, anyting made my heart break down a lil. But ta' worse part I remember is this one situation. All was quite, all was still. I didn't feel safe and was already on edge. I just kept pressing on. Then behind me I herd panting, someting was coming. I ran as fast as I could. Just runnin' an runnin' trying to get away from the ting behind me. Then I tripped, fell face first into the dust. I just froze there and accepted whatever death is coming. Next ting I saw was a lil red fox panting an running by. The first time I smiled since leavin' home, the first time I laugh that I was safe, and the first time I passed out. I jus' lied there and slept. When I awoke there was a small beam o' light breaking through the canopy. I just felt strung out, mind was scattered, an' this was the first time I considered giving up my adventuring lifestyle. The urge to return to safety was strong, but I continued on. I was quick to realize that the trail and forest I have been afraid of just the night before looks so serine and calm in the day. I kept to the path with a new groove in my step. It takes me only a few more hours to break through the forest and to see, in the distance, large goldn' fields all leadn' up to a large stone wall. The path continued through the sea o' gold and so did I.

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