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Tax Rate Discussion

In this post I, General_Lacesso, and a friend, Nube_Cybot, will be discussing the best tax rate for new players or newly settled cities. The current meta is tax rate of 0, Nube_Cybot thinks that this isn't the best option. Bellow is a discussion debating what is the best tax rate for new players. This structure will most likely be used in other discussions. It is structured as first statement, rebuttal and closing statement.

Nube_Cybot: I disagree with the current meta of a 0% tax rate. Sure new players don't need gold immediately, but having a small trinkle of gold from an early start could payoff later. New players don't want to hinder their recourse income drastically. I think a 1-3% tax rate is best for new player or new towns. 1% being better for new players. A settled town don't matter that much for you can send resources from your other towns.

General_Lacesso: For new players resources trumps gold any day of the week. So having any tax rate will hinder resource production. Not even mentioning that having such a low tax rate for a low pop city will not have any gold income. This makes it longer to get resources thus taking more time to get a pop high enough to get gold income. So the fact is that a new player having a tax rate will only hinder progression. Also if gold is needed a new player could ask for it or sell cows in the market. The biggest downside for new players setting a small tax rate in the begaining is that is that its basically uneeded. The small amount of gold income means next to nothing and if a new player sees the income slightly increasing they might be prone to not change it as fast as they could. Tax rate should only be 0% for new players, it rewards to little and costs to much.

Nube_Cybot: I will not deny that a low tax rate does nothing with a low population. However with in a few days of building up resource plots someones population should be high enough to have a gold income, even if it is just 1 per hour. Also, a new player could also ask for resources. Actually asking for resources is more reasonable than asking for gold. The drop of resources is so minor that, in my opinion, is worth the gold. For example if a player has 130 food production with 1% tax rate the food production will only increase to 132 with 0% tax rate. With say 100 population you should be getting at least 2 gold per hour. So essentially it is one gold for one resource. So why wouldn't people have a tax rate, the trinkle of gold will add up sooner than one might think.

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